Millions Of Dollars In Private Student Loan Settlements
– Hundreds Of Happy Clients

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Can Private Student Loan Debt Be Settled And If So, How Do You Negotiate A Successful Settlement?

As a NACCC Certified Student Loan Counselor, a NACCC Certified Credit Counselor, and a professional debt negotiator with over 16 years of experience; I am well equipped to negotiate your private student loan settlements – and ensure the negotiated agreement is executed correctly.

Navient loan settlement
Andrew Weber

Specializing in Six-Figure
Private Student Loans

I specialize in settling high balance, high risk private student loan accounts , which require a more nuanced approach and strategy compared to normal balances.

With a larger balance, there is more to lose if something goes wrong, and more to gain with expert, relationship-based negotiation.

High Balance Speciality

Absolutely NO Upfront Fees


Industry Experience

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Common Question

Do I Need an Attorney for My Private Student Loan Settlements? Will I Get Sued?

Answer: You do not need to hire an attorney (and pay their upfront retainer fee) to handle your private student loan settlements unless you are faced with a legal situation such as being served with a summons, or a wage garnishment.

IF loan holders contact me with active lawsuits or a recent summons, I refer them to some of the top student loan attorneys in the country, many of whom I’m on a first-name basis with.

Common Question

Do you do anything differently?

Answer: Yes. There is My Method vs. the ineffective “old School” debt relief model.

The main problem with the “old school”, sales-focused debt relief model that many companies use (and have used for decades) is that it results in signing on people who are NOT a good fit for student debt settlement.

My methods are strategic, customized, and aggressive. 

Common Question

Should I Strategically Default On My Private Student Loan Settlements?

Answer: For those who are already in default by the time they contact me, negotiating a reduced sum payoff will only increase their score after the account has defaulted – the credit damage has already been done at that point.

For those who are current, they must weigh whether the temporary (but significant) damage to their credit history is worth the monetary savings obtained via settlement.

Common Question

Should I Consider Refinancing or Settling My Private Student Loan Debt?

Answer: Refinance is the other main relief option for private loans besides settlement. You will still pay much more over time with a refinance than a settlement, but you won’t experience the temporary credit drop from a strategic default in order to settle. 

Since most lenders will only begin to negotiate when the accounts are defaulted, those who have current private loan debt with a good credit profile may benefit from looking into refinance.

Must-Watch Videos

Private student loan negotiator Andrew Weber

Debt Settlement 101

The Flaws Of Traditional Debt Settlement – From An Industry Insider (and how to avoid them)

Recent Private Student Loan Settlements

Success Stories

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Caveat Emptor

(Buyer Beware)

It is unfortunate, but there are a lot of bad actors in the debt settlement industry.
Pay attention to the red flags to protect yourself and your loved ones.

They demand up-front fees.

It’s Illegal.

They charge 25% or more of your entire balance to settle your debt.

That’s way too much.

They offer outrageous too-good-to-be-true claims of total debt erasure “debt invalidation”.

It Doesn’t Happen.